Chris Webster – Mixed methods investigation of individuals with type 2 diabetes who follow LCHF

PhD candidate Chris Webster outlines his results from a study on Type 2 diabetics using LCHF to manage their condition. This study was made possible via funding the Noakes Foundation.

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Christopher Webster is a PhD candidate at the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Dept of Human Biology, University of Cape Town, South Africa. He has previously investigated endogenous glucose production in LCHF athletes for his master’s degree in Exercise Science at the University of Cape Town. He has a background in the clinical use of exercise prescription and is a registered biokineticist, having interned at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa.

The limitations of exercise in the prevention of chronic lifestyle disease has inspired him to pursue research into the role of carbohydrate in ill health. His current project is ‘Impact of low-carbohydrate high-fat diets on endogenous glucose production and gluconeogenesis in type 2 diabetics’.

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