Dave Feldman presentation: ApoB, Cholesterol and the Lean Mass Hyper-Responders Research Update


Low Carb Denver 2023, Health & Nutrition Conference. Watch the entire presentation as Dave Feldman discusses: Rethinking ApoB, Cholesterol, Heart Disease and the Lean Mass Hyper-Responders (LMHRs) Research Project Updates. We are releasing this important free content for all to learn and enjoy. We trust you will find the content visually engaging and educational. Please subscribe to our Low Carb Conferences YouTube channel.

Dave Feldman is a senior software engineer, entrepreneur and a citizen scientist. He began working with programming and system engineering at a very young age and has always enjoyed learning new mechanistic patterns and concepts. After starting a Low Carb diet, Dave found his cholesterol numbers increased considerably. He then began reverse engineering the lipid system through self-experimentation and testing, finding it was very dynamic and fluid. Using his engineering skills he saw patterns in cholesterol profiles associated with Low Carb diets that brings new light to our understanding regarding cholesterol and heart disease. The term Lean Mass Hyper-Responders (LMHRs) has now been cited in peer-reviewed literature thanks to Dave’s work including his published and ongoing research, the Citizen Scientist Foundation LMHR study https://citizensciencefoundation.org/study/ and the Cholesterol Code https://cholesterolcode.com/.

The content from the entire conference, including 34 presentations recorded on the main stage, is also available to purchase and Watch on Demand to gain immediate access via our interactive Whova event app. The app provides an immersive virtual experience as if you’re attending in-person. $99.99 for the general public and $274.99 for healthcare professionals as home study, including 18+ CME and CPE credit hours. Your financial support enables us to deliver high quality content such as this as well as for future events. Click on the Watch on Demand button to purchase.

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* Disclaimer: The results may vary from person to person. The content provided here is for informational purposes only. You should always consult with a professional for diagnosis and treatment of any health problems. You should not disregard any advice or treatment from your healthcare professional based on your interpretation of what you may read on the Site. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Jeffry Gerber, MD – Event organizer Low Carb Conferences, Denver’s Diet Doctor, South Suburban Family Medicine

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