Dr Caryn Zinn – Building Healthy Athletes… from beginner to winner

Dr. Caryn Zinn looks at the benefits and limitations of carbohydrate restriction for athletic performance.

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

Dr. Zinn is a senior lecturer at Auckland University of Technology. She is a New Zealand Registered Dietitian and teaches/researches in the area of nutrition, both from a public health and a sports performance perspective.

Her current research (and that of her students) includes applying the Low Carbohydrate, Healthy Fat (LCHF) nutrition paradigm as a tool for losing weight, improving health and optimizing sports performance in a variety of different population groups.

Dr. Zinn is also the co-author of the books ‘What The Fat?’, ‘What The Fat?: Sports Performance’, ‘What The Fast?’ and the recently released ‘What The Fat?: Recipes’.

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