Megan Ramos – Practical Fasting: The Use of Therapeutic Fasting in a Clinical Setting

Megan Ramos outlines the approach that Intensive Dietary Management uses when applying various fasting protocols and addresses some of the concerns regarding fasting.

Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck #LowCarbConferences

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

Megan is the President and Co-Founder of the Intensive Dietary Management Program based in Toronto in Ontario, Canada. Megan attended the University of Toronto where she did clinical research in the field of nephrology and developed a strong interest in preventative medicine.

For the last nineteen years Megan has worked alongside Dr. Jason Fung at IDM and was the first successful IDM guinea pig. She is also an international guest speaker at conferences and co-hosts the popular ‘The Obesity Code Podcast’.

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