Nick Mailer – The Nature of Nature: Healthy Humans with Hobbes and Rousseau

Nick Mailer adopts a humorous philosophical approach along with critical thinking in an attempt to define ‘nature’ as it relates to human health.

Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck #LowCarbConferences

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

After obtaining a degree from the University of Leeds in English and Philosophy, Nick Mailer co-authored the first book in the United Kingdom on the education possibilities of the Internet. He co-founded The Positive Internet Company, UK’s premier open-source managed services organisation. He also founded the Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications and has spoken at conferences on the nexus of culture, technology and semiotics.

Since 2010, Nick has adopted a paleo-ish LCHF lifestyle, to which he nevertheless applies a multidisciplinary scepticism. He lives in London with his wife, daughter and cat.

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