Dr Catherine Crofts – The past, present and future of hyperinsulinemia research

Dr Catherine Crofts, PhD explains her cutting edge research into hyperinsulinemia made possible by analyzing the data provided by Dr Joseph R. Kraft.

Here is the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2018 Conference #LCB18 #LowCarbBreck #LowCarbConferences

Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format

Dr Catherine Crofts is a New Zealand community-based clinical pharmacist who firmly believes in using the lowest dose of the least number of medications to treat disease. After 17 years of practice she describes her role as more like a “disease management specialist” than a health professional.

Dr Crofts received her PhD from Auckland University of Technology in 2016. Her thesis analyzed the oral glucose and insulin tolerance data of Dr Joseph Kraft.

For anyone interested in this cutting edge work, the abstract of her thesis and the links to two key papers that formed the literature base of her doctoral work.

Hyperinsulinemia: A unifying theory of chronic disease? https://diabesity.ejournals.ca/index.php/diabesity/article/viewFile/19/61

Hyperinsulinemia: Best management practice. https://diabesity.ejournals.ca/index.php/diabesity/article/viewFile/21/65

Dr Jospeh Kraft, Diabetes Epidemic and You. https://www.amazon.com/Diabetes-Epidemic-You-Joseph-Kraft/dp/1425168094

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