Dr. Nadir Ali is an interventional cardiologist with nearly three decades of clinical experience. He started his career in academia at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas where he was assistant professor of medicine and the Director of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at the Debakey VA Medical Center. While he specializes in coronary stenting for individuals presenting with chest pain and heart attacks, his passion over the last decade has been the application and practice of carbohydrate restricted diets, intermittent fasting, optimal exercise, and adequate sleep as primary modalities to improve human health. In his role as a cardiologist, he has extensive experience in cholesterol and lipoprotein effects of a low carbohydrate diet. The clinical experience gathered from a busy practice is shared with the public at large through a YouTube Channel “Eat Most Fats”. He has been a part of “Intensive Dietary Management” and “The Fasting Method” with Jason Fung and Megan Ramos. Dr. Ali combine his broad clinical experience in the application of low carbohydrate diets in individuals with heart disease in Diabetes while being involved in other facets of traditional mainstream medicine. He is advocate for change in public health guidelines away from prescriptive medicine by educating the healthcare professionals about the benefits carbohydrate restricted diets. Over his career he has served as Chairman, Department of Medicine at HCA Clear Lake medical center and is the current Chairman of the Board of Directors at the same institution.